Lion's Head mountain - Cape Town

Lion's Head mountain - Cape Town
Lion's head viewed from Clifton beach

Wednesday 22 February 2012

What is slacklining?

Dean Potter's free solo walk (Taken from Google images)
This is a guy called Dean Potter. It was taken in Yosemite in America of his free solo walk.  He enjoys putting his life at risk on some impressively high lines. This is not quite what I’ve been doing but I’m being daring in my own way.

I’ve recently taken up slacklining since coming to cape town. It involves a Nylon webbing tied between two objects, several metres apart. My friends and I go to De Waal Park in centre of Cape town. It’s situated in the city bowl of Cape Town, surrounded by urban buildings and just as every place in Cape Town, a beautiful view of the mountain.

De Waal Park is the patch of green just to the right of centre in this picture

I'm not quite a pro yet, but I can now confidently take 4 or 5 steps on the line. It's a really fun way to enjoy an afternoon, we bring snacks and picnic blankets and chill in the park for hours trying out the line every now and then. There are some really cool things you can do with a line. a lot of my friends are able to jump, sit, turn around and balance in various obscure yoga poses!
Me, successfully slacklining
A group of us chilling and slacklining in the park
3 lines going at a time. We managed to set up 7 lines at one point. (Lion's head mountain in the background)

Slacklining had been a great way to practice my photography. There isn't much rapid movement involved so I've been experimenting with my composition and aperture. All the photos of me were taken by my friend Craig McGregor who is a photographer and has been  giving me some tips.

I hope you like my collection of photographs below!

Invisible line
More jumping
Nargila and chilling in the park

Craig balancing on the line
Stef getting on the line

Hayley doing yoga poses

Me, with Table Mountain in the background

More balancing

Taryn sitting on the line

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